Thursday, January 26, 2012

New Alternate Uniforms

My Uncle is very opinionated when it comes to sports (among other things).  If he dislikes a player, regardless of the reason, he will cheer against that player's team without mercy.  Interestingly enough, many of his opinions are based on how a certain player acts.  Although his "wrath" goes far beyond the single player.  For example he is a UMass graduate, so you would think that he would love Victor Cruz (a fellow UMass grad).  Quite the opposite is true, my uncle despises Cruz.  This hatred is based on how Cruz acts, not how he plays.  Cruz dances around and celebrates almost every catch and my uncle, who I guess is "old school," doesn't like his behavior.

By now you are probably thinking, "What the heck does this clown's uncle have to do with our new uniforms?"  Here's why I mention my uncle.  Another one of my uncle's pet peeves is teams wearing uniforms that incorporate colors that are not "their" colors.  Up until recently this usually meant a team like Duke or Oregon wearing black when it really isn't one of their colors.  As a Syracuse fan we haven't had to deal with this...until yesterday.

I suppose we should be happy that we were able to skip the "black uniform craze" and go straight to the "platinum uniform movement."  If gray, yes gray, platinum is not a color it is a metal, was one of our colors I would actually really like the uniforms.  The "S" on the back is really pretty cool, I like the orange trim, and the "Cuse" on the front is a nice change of pace.  Even with these positives I still can't get past the GRAY!  Gray is not, nor will it ever be, one of our colors.  If we are using gray as an accent color (or in this case as a main color) why not go back to the pink and pea green.  At least pink and pea green have some historical reason to be a part of a Syracuse ORANGE uniform.  I would love to see the gray in this design replaced by white and these be used as home uniforms, but for now I am not a fan of us wearing these uniforms.  Even though I am not looking forward to seeing these uniforms worn during a game, I would think they look sharp on a fan as a fashion piece, much the way Nike made blue Carmelo Anthony "throwbacks" even though they were never worn during his time on the hill.

Representatives and coaches from Oregon University, who is the king of Nike designed crazy uniforms, has been quoted as saying the uniforms are a recruiting tool.  Recruits and fans across the country instantly recognize the Oregon brand because of the "unique" uniforms.  On top of that, apparently high school kids love these type of wacky designs.  If we have to play a game in these Georgetown/Syracuse hybrid uniforms, I really hope it appeals to kids we are recruiting.

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