Friday, January 27, 2012


As a Syracuse fan one of the most stressful, yet entertaining, situations in recent memory has been MeloGate.  Since I recruited some of my, what must be millions by now, of followers from many of you have undoubtedly heard or seen the rumors.  I have decided to crown a champion of rumors.  Let it be said that I hope Fab Melo is back soon since Syracuse is a better team with him.  I don’t mean to take the situation lightly, but many of the rumors are pretty darn funny!  With that in mind I thought it would be fun(?) to vote on the “best” rumor.

Before we get into the final nominations for the best rumor, here are some of the rumors that have been swirling around (some I assume were meant as jokes originally, but one never knows for sure).  It should also be noted that some of these rumors have been “around” since the end of the first academic semester (roughly Christmas time).

*Fab Melo and Dion Waiters will both be ineligible to play once the second semester begins.
*Melo, Waiters and two other unnamed players will be academically ineligible.
*Melo is leaving college to go to a community college in Florida.
*Melo has already left college and is looking to play professionally outside the U.S.
*Melo is going back to Brazil to play professionally.
*Melo was caught cheating in a class and has been kicked out of college.
*Answers for an entire class’s final got out and Melo along with the class have to retake the final.
*Melo failed several courses because of lack of attendance.
*Melo is having trouble with the NCAA Clearing House.
*Bernie Fine was not around to make Melo’s professor(s) change his grades to passing.
*Melo was in Hancock International Airport and boarded a plane going to Brazil (after a quick stop at Chipotle for dinner). 
*Melo has a problem with his visa.
*Melo will be back against WVU.
*Melo will be back against SJU.
*Melo will be back against UConn.
*Melo will be back for the Big East Tournament.
*Melo won’t be back until next season.
*Melo won’t be back ever.

For the time being I do not want to use my supreme influence by commenting on any of these rumors or their stupidity.  However, for those of you interested I am planning on commenting on some of the more entertaining rumors after the voting has closed.

In order to compile a list of only four finalists I considered two factors.  First of all, how many times a rumor has popped up.  If a rumor only popped up once, it lost some luster.  Secondly, how entertaining a rumor and in some cases the subsequent responses have been.  Without further buildup here are my nominations for the “MeloGate Rumor of the Saga Award”:

The First Nominee
Fab Melo’s entire class has to retake a final exam. 

The Second Nominee
Fab Melo has already left Syracuse and gone back to Brazil to prepare for a professionally career.

The Third Nominee
Fab Melo was seen boarding a plane headed for Brazil at Hancock International Airport after attending practice and having dinner at Chipotle.

The Fourth Nominee
Fab Melo has a problem with his visa and may not be able to stay in the U.S.

Please take a moment to vote above or if you think I have unfairly overlooked a rumor please post about it in the comments below. 

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